Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Be Encouraged

A sign of our time.Be encouraged. Someone thought it was worth prime signage to remind us that God Loves us as we go about our days' business. Maybe all travelling through this area will be a little kinder, and take time to bless and be blessed.

This sign is found on Pass Road, Gulfport, MS, Harrison County.

Speaking of blessings--the other day I had just pulled into a parking lot and was making my way to a store. An older gentleman came out pushing a cart and I thought, "I should offer to take the cart."

Then, he said, "Excuse me, May I ask a favor of you?" (I noticed he wore the Catholic Priest collar). I said, "sure"--(why didn't I think of that?) which I would have anyway special collar or not.

He said, "Could you take my cart if you are going that direction?" (Hmmm). Of course I said, "Sure." But then I said something that surprised me and I have no idea where it came from. I am not Catholic, mind you. --I asked, "Bless me, Father?"

Right then and there, he took my hand and prayed over me. I noticed his hands quivered. I don't know if the quivering was because age related or the power of God that he felt. He ended giving the blessing with the sign of the cross over me. We then parted and went about our days. I don't know if it was an unusual experience for him, but it sure was for me. I can't imagine that elderly priests do a whole lot of random blessing of non-Catholic strangers in parking lots.
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Mississippi Gulf Coast